
Navigation DrawerDer Navigation Drawer ist in fast allen Ansichten verfügbar. Von hier aus kann man auf einfache Weise alle anderen Screens zu jeder Zeit erreichen.

Device Screen

device_legendThe device activity shows

  1. Zustand des Bluetooth Adapters und Anzahl der aktiven Verbindungen
  2. Zustand des Bluetooth Scanners
  3. Der eigene Gerätename
  4. Navigation Drawer Symbol
  5. active chat connections to other devices
  6. devices that are currently not connected but known to have this app installed
  7. previously paired but invisible devices (probably not having that app installed)
  8. devices with Bluetooth visibility turned on

Tapping the device name will connect and disconnect a device if it also has the Bluetooth Communicator installed.
If the devices are not yet paired also the pairing process will be initiated. Due to different pairing behavior of the devices it might work better to pair them directly by the system menu.

Tapping the chat icon will connect a device and open the group chat activity. If the device is already connected the group chat window will be opened.

Chat Screen

ChatThis is the group chat screen as an example. It will show your own and messages from remote devices. Images will be shown as a small preview. Tapping the preview will open a dialog to pick a proper app for viewing.

System Tray Messages

Messages System TrayTapping on message notification in the system tray open up the Blutooth Communicator app’s “Chat Overview” as it shows below

Chat Overview Screen

Chat OverviewThis screen shows the chats that are available on your device. Chats with unread messages are hightlighted. Tapping a list entry will open this chat.

User Overview Screen

User OverviewThis screen shows all active users in the network, even the ones that are not directly connected to your device but through other devices.

  • tapping the user icon will update this list
  • tabbing a list entry will open a chat only with that user (private chat if it’s not the group)

screenshot_2016-11-02-21-43-21Notification settings are only for notifications when chat activities or the app runs in background. In this case notification will also appear in the system tray. Tapping these ones will open the app and show the chats that received new messages.